Hair Extensions After Care – Top Tips

9 top tips on how to care for your hair extensions

  1. After the application of your keratin bonded hair extensions you must not wash your hair for 2 days. This allows the bonds to harden and set properly.
  2. Tip your head back instead of forward when washing will prevent the extensions pulling on your hair.
  3. Do not brush your hair when wet, rough dry hair first and then use the correct brush.
  4. Use a good hair extension shampoo and conditioner which will not strip the hair.
  5. When washing always rinse the hair well around the bonds
  6. Dry your hair on a cool setting on your hair dryer and use a good leave in conditioner spray in between washes. Then you can style your hair using curling tongs, straightening iron, hot rollers etc. as you would normally.
  7. Be prepared to allow a little extra time each day to care for your hair extensions, using a soft natural bristle brush once or twice a day, working your way up from the tip to the root.
  8. Sleep with your hair in a loose plait to keep bonds separate
  9. You can even colour your hair, however this is at your own risk and always do a colour test first.

Celeb Hair Extensions can give you a personal set of recommendations based on your specific hair type and condition. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a free initial chat and discussion. Contact Celeb Hair Extensions now